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About FLC

FLC Introduction

  The Foreign Language Center (FLC) of I-Shou University (ISU) was founded in August 2002. The Center’s primary mission is to provide I-Shou University students, faculty members, and staff with a wide range of English/foreign language courses and testing services. The available General English courses aim to assist students to increase their English proficiency and to prepare students to move into academic English coursework or English-only content courses. The foreign language courses, such as Japanese, Korean, French, German, Vietnamese, Thai, and Indonesian, aim to offer students extra communication options to acquire multi-language skills. FLC students will be able to enhance their language skills, broaden their worldview, and become more competitive in a globalized workplace. All of the courses are taught by highly qualified instructors who support students’ language learning goals. 

  To ensure our students’ English proficiency, FLC also provides various English testing services. Standardized English tests, such as TOEIC, GEPT, CSEPT, etc., serve as the language threshold for graduation from ISU. Students who pass such tests will have great satisfaction in their academic studies. Success on language-based standardized tests is about more than just fluency or achieving confidence in using English. Furthermore, testing will provide concrete language evidence to students’ future employers.

  In addition to the numerous language courses and tests offered, FLC provides opportunities for students to practice English outside of the classroom, like the “English Corner”, “English Song Competition”, “Language Clubs”, and “English Reading-aloud Competition”. Students may learn more by participating in these extra-curricular language activities and have more chances for a socio-cultural exchange experience.

FLC Calender


3rd TOEIC English proficiency test campus exam registration starts

5th English proficiency special class test

12th English proficiency special class make-up test

17th General English exemption application starts

17th Foreign language proficiency certification reward application starts

17th CSEPT English proficiency test campus exam registration starts

24th General English exemption application ends


5th CSEPT class、TOEIC elite class、BESTEP class begins

7th CSEPT English proficiency test campus exam registration ends

9th Foreign language proficiency certification reward application ends

11th CSEPT English proficiency test campus exam payment deadline

24th Main campus one-on-one English consultation starts

28th TOEIC English proficiency test campus exam registration ends


23th CSEPT class ends

24th  CSEPT English proficiency test campus exam exam information inquiry

26th BESTEP English proficiency test campus exam speaking and writing test

28th Medical campus One-on-one English consultation starts

30th CSEPT English proficiency test campus exam

30th TOEIC English proficiency test campus exam exam information inquiry

30th TOEIC elite class、BESTEP class ends


1st Graduating students Foreign language proficiency certification reward application starts

7th TOEIC English proficiency test campus exam

14th English proficiency special class exam

21th English proficiency special class make-up exam

22th TOEIC English proficiency test campus exam score inquiry

23th Main campus and Medical campus one-on-one English consultation ends

24th BESTEP English proficiency test campus exam listening and reading test

26th CSEPT English proficiency test campus exam score inquiry

31th Graduating students Foreign language proficiency certification reward application ends


6/2 CSEPT English proficiency test campus exam scores sent